Category Archives: Pissed

Rants and complaints-

Status:Resigned but still doing OT(残業)

It’s nearly 11 pm soon.

I’m still at Dieco Healthcare.


I attempted to participate as a ROM in Tkmc san’s paintchat session this evening but had to leave just to focus on the crap in front of me.

The only thing that keeps me sane is that I’ve ‘graduated’ from Delete Touch and Tomatoes diet program as a senior.

Another blessing to count is that I’m merely a working senior for Dieco Healthcare.

There’s plenty of Milo and coffee in the pantry.

Plus, looking back, I’ve enjoyed those wonderful times when TOIL still existed.

So it still isn’t so bad (as compared to the current intake of assistants).

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Filed under Pissed, Revelations on work, Uncategorized

Status: Resigned (総辞職に参加します)

The resignation letter was typed, printed, folded and inserted neatly into the envelope.

All ready to be placed gently onto the human resources manager’s desk.

It has been a little bit more than 2 years of late nights and meaningless dungpicking in Delete Touch and Tomatoes LLP.

The beginning of rolling dung hills has led to the end.

Here are the general factors:

i) Abolishment of TOIL policy by the leaders of the industry. Obviously they have been deluded that all humans can subsist on air like them. No one (except the said leaders and anyone like them) is willing to work overtime when the time is not compensated.

ii) Decrease in pay increment. The leaders cut our pay but still retain the high charge out costs to the client. In our budgets, the time cost rate is retained when the actual cost (salary) is but a miniscule fraction to the total. Leaders thinned the budget in hourly terms to reflect lower costs. Now, why don’t I help them cut their costs by directly reducing the headcount?

iii) Inadequate resources for excess in jobs. Previously our leaders shifted the fresh batch of young dungpickers to other departments like Tex and Y’Are Ass, resulting in an inverted dungpicker’s pyramid, with excessive dung supervisors at the top and a handful of dung coolies to shovel the shit at the base.

On personal factors, I was completely disgusted by the load of fresh steaming jobs dumped on me. I didn’t get the old dung back. And to top off the chocolate mountain, they landed a Sing&Tell on me. At the last blooming minute.

Secondly, I see no point in wasting my time on a job I don’t like and don’t give a rat’s ass about. Do I see a future in audit? Hmm yes, I see emaciated bodies, clumps of torn black hair and dark smoke from the chimneys of an Auschwitz concentration camp.

Thirdly, I suck at it because it looks like a load of BS to me and I am utterly reluctant to do anything that looks like a load of BS. Tell me, will it save the ice caps from melting or relieve a child from hunger if there are more audits conducted? Hell f**king no.

These are push factors. And the pull factor?

Bumming and living a parasitic existence as an unemployed.


Oh by the way, Happy belated Deepavali.

I was working overtime with the indian client on the eve of their holiday.



Online life

Remember my soft target, Chiryuu san?

It seems things are getting harder than what I’ve bargained for.

One thing’s for sure, I’m not a cyber-virgin anymore./////

Oh yea, and they say for my Bazi element, I’ll be getting a bit of peach blossom luck.

No one told me the peach blossom could be either gender.

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Filed under Personally exposed, Pissed, Revelations on work, Sexy stuff

Status: More dung!(コンチキショー仕事が辞めたい)

The ResourceMutilatingTerrorists have issued updated portfolios to us.
Oh wow, more dung with December year ends that come in pellets.
And yes, foreign, alien excreta from god knows where.

Total crap list is now 10. 

And I’m expecting a familiar giant load called SeriousMentalBreakdown at the end of the year when the auditor in charge tenders in November.
The poor chap had no idea what the company was about and is now drowning in 85+ pages of PSPM.
And yeah, the abolishment of TOIL sweetens the aroma.

I should start looking for a job now.
The problem is, the pros of audit is mobility and opportunities to interact with different people from all strata of the organisation, which I like.
Is there a job with similar characteristics?
Oh yeah! The glam position of Pantry lady.
This position allows one the chance to interact and exchange information with anyone who steps into the pantry for some refreshment.
Even the CEO needs his coffee fix too, no?
The cons of the job is no different from that of an auditor.
No one really gives a damn about your opinion and in the worst case, see you as a vendingventing machine for them to channel their negative energies out in the form of insults.
The General Cleaner position also affords the applicant the same opportunities but is hygienically challenging.
In addition, one has to face the very thing which everyone is writing resignation letters for: Dung.

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Filed under Pissed, Revelations on work

Status: Here Comes the Dung

An email arrived in my inbox just now.

It’s from the ResourceMutilatingTeam executive.

I’m given 4 engagements with Dec year ends and 1 with June year end.


And the ResourceMassacreingTeam executive expects me to come up with the staff requisition form and shit by 18th Sept.

I feel nauseated.

The worst was all 4 of these colossal shitballs are new to me.

The only one which I am a tad familiar with was the gaming company Creeptology(post).

I’m in flight mode now. No use fighting the rolling shit mountain.

Oh yeah, there’s no more TOIL policy.




( ;゜Д゜) ●●.=

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Filed under Pissed, Revelations on work

I’m going to be a Bridesmaid!

I met up with Miss YY today at the ‘hippest’ hangout in Singapore called Northpoint (in suburban Yishun).

I’ve known this babe since Primary 4 and she’s still the charmingly adorable fun beeyatchee babe. Well, that was one of the adjectives she wanted us to use to describe her since high school.

Her boyfriend decided to tie the knot by June next year.

She’s getting MARRIED!!!!! Oh My Gawd!!!!!!!!!!

AAAAAaaaahhhhh!!!!I’m absolutely overjoyed for her!!!

And she’s appointing me to be the bridal bangla to carry her train (no, not the thing we commute with).

I’m really, really honored to be her bridesmaid and she’s the 1st bride whom I’ll be steering the train (no, it’s got nothing to do with driving) for.

She did ask me a few times back then to be her ceremonial coolie but I was still surprised when she told me today that officially, I’m going to be lugging the length of cloth behind her on her church wedding.


This is the 4th wedding I’ll be putting into my schedule.

Somehow, I began to get the dreadful left-on-the-shelf feeling which plagues all singles. It pricks the ego and titillates the thoughtless desire to just grab any dude on the street that comes our way. Now I understand how a guy friend was feeling when he told me he’s worried he hasn’t found the right one yet when most of his friends have tied the knot.

Problem is, I know what qualities I want in my partner and I don’t know if there could ever be another person like that.

 The choice of getting married to any dude or remaining a horny virgin till death …

It’s really the Devil or the deep, blue sea.

Online life


Tombstone by (Kabe)Ojisan, Mer(Squall)lion and Kuja by cycle san, Zidane by Nobon san

I went to Sagara san’s paint chat today after getting appointed a bridal bangla and noticed A san was there.

Previously, I’d sent her a youtube link featuring a cutscene of WOL Firion which is exclusive to the US-Euro release of DFF. In the same message, I thanked her for helping me regain my confidence back in paintchat after the pen tablet became pretty hard to control from a hardware driver failure.

I thought she would be as excited over the revelation that WOL Firion are a couple on the run, but  the response was lukewarm, terse and polite.


I’m confused.

I thought, usually, people would at least reply and share their views on this.

That’s what Hsk san normally does in her mailform correspondence.

I really felt things were getting awkward and it was unbearable. I really wanted to leave the chatroom because I don’t understand 80% of what they were discussing and it is hard to participate in the discussion. But I stayed on, hoping that A san would draw something for me to ogle at.

 A san left the chatroom shortly after midnight without drawing anything.

I’m not sure what is going on and it doesn’t smell right… (;A;)

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Filed under FF Dissidia, Personally exposed, Pissed

A call from Indianapolis~

It’s a Saturday morning and I was in office sifting through the timesheets the ResignationsManagementGang has stuffed my pigeon hole with. It’d make a nice little pigeon’s (nesting) hole with those timesheets shredded into paper litter. 
Getting myself into HellDamnBig has its pros and cons.
Pros: The client’s at HDB Hub so I get to have my daily KOI bubble tea fix. The GL systems will terminate at a certain time before 9pm. My resume will look pretty nice with HellDamnBig in it.

Fixed Assets on Film: Data storage from the primitive age.

Fixed Assets on Film: Data storage from the primitive age.

Cons: My waistline is increasing  thanks to my daily KOI bubble tea fix. Internet access is virtually nil (Can anyone believe it?) unless we tap the WIFI at the nearest Mc D. The engagement lasts till end of May but I doubt we could even make it given the collossal organisational structure of the group. My resume will, therefore, look pretty ugly with HellDamnBig in it (if I’m applying for a non-private job).

Back to the timesheets…Great, the RidiculouslyMalignantGroup wants me to charge an hour of my Annual Leave for signing unassigned late. I went to check my TOIL balance and I saw ‘-61 hours’. What the f*ck?! Where did the hundreds of hours go to? ResignMoreGood is spurring me to quit. I was swearing away after seeing that my TOIL hours balance has become negative, until my handyphone rang.

Me: ‘Hello~?   
Caller: ‘Hey~ How are you, babe?’
(Singapore time:10.44 am, estimated US time: 9.44 pm)

It’s a client. No! It’s a telemarketeer. No!
It’s Radeeca!!!
My wonderful vegan buddy! Food is one subject we got all nostalgic about. Particularly those delicious vegetarian spots we went to like Delivege, Mahal Poti and oh… her favourite place to satisfy her MSG addiction, the vegetarian stall at the Bridge just next to our office.

I never expected a call from Radeeca. Not when it’s the audit peak period globally so it’s a huge surprise for me! And a lovely surprise too after TwT, another A11 turned senior, left for Korea just last Tuesday.(;w;)

Partners of Delete, Touch and Tomatoes. (from left: TwT, Radeeca and Arzen)

Partners of Delete, Touch and Tomatoes. (from left: TwT, Radeeca & Arzen)

We got all bitchy about Delete Touch and Tomatoes and the job crunch worldwide. It seems Radeeca was more concerned about whether I’ve found someone to ‘do everything’ with because the first question she asked was whether I’ve finally ‘done everything’. It’s nice to have a friend worry about my status as a virgin (in body). I’m very sure I’d have to ask her for some tips on doing it when I do find someone since she’s already done some ‘elementary practical work’ with her other half, Mr PhD.
It’s highly likely she and Mr PhD will progress to the advanced level once her plan to join him in San Diego materialises in the midst of culling headcounts.
Hey Radeeca, babe~Are you reading this?

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Filed under Pissed, Revelations on work, The Funny and the weird

Status:Senior from hell.(もし毎日続いて、過労死かも)

I think I’m going to die young from stress, heart palpitations, a perforated stomach (from gastric) and a strained bladder. My stomach is already cramping itself and my intestines have probably atrophied from lack of exercise.
These 2 weeks at SoMentallyBattered was pure hell. Thanks to a senior from a certain group who replaced 2 humane ones from another certain group in the firm. Even the poor junior assistant was getting, I quote, ‘depressed’ and ‘very tired’. When I was in her position last year, the ‘d’ word never crossed my mind. But now, I can think of many words beginning with ‘d’ like ‘die’, ‘dread’, ‘debilitating’, ‘demoralising’ and ‘deloitte’.
Fuck it.
Unfortunately ‘duck’ is a bird so ‘d’ does not apply much as I’d like to for an onomatopoeiac flavour.
I got dumped virtually all the tough sections such as inventory, receivables et al. I thought the bloody ‘limited liability partnership’ reformed the work duties so seniors have to test the substantially riskier balances themselves??? Ooh, let’s make the seniors do it next year…when I get promoted to one!
Fuck it.
The only thing I appreciate the senior for torturing us in this manner is that I get to learn how to wade in the shit while getting criticised for not doing the butterfly stroke in the shitpool. Okay, to be fair, I’m learning how to audit (god, I’m starting to detest that word, it’s more filthy than ‘ass-fucking’) inventory and debt balances. I’m starting to lose faith in this damn LLP after the TOIL policy was revised. Being unassigned means the TOIL will be used up until it becomes negative. That’s where the salary gets cut, to ‘compensate’ the LLP for not giving the employees shit jobs to get high blood pressure from.
Fuck it.
The only consolation is, I’m still employed.

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Filed under Pissed, Revelations on work

Status: TOIL & Singapore ‘Japan Media Arts Festival’ (なにそれ?もう絶望した!!!)

This is the 2nd Japanese Occupation in Singapore and it’s one of the 1st steps by Aso to invade and take over this little island. What better weapons to use than the deadly kawaii characters and artillery of anime and guerilla game titles ? Rain bombs of Japanese pop culture and sow the seeds of consumerism onto the heads of the citizens. Strike the minds of the children and pockets of the parents with bolts of Pikachu and Gundam lasers. Make these imbeciles beg with lolling tongues for more sexy moe maids with big bouncy G size chests and hunger for those sweet sailor uniforms.

Let’s start with this ‘Japan Media Arts Festival‘ where the inhabitants are bribed with free screenings of old anime in the museum. Withhold the manga heavyweights and give them something softer and cleaner, like Nodame Cantabile. They probably can’t stomach BL and Eroguro.

Yes! Revive the glory of Syonan-To once again and make this little island the beacon of Japanese pop culture and consumerism in South East Asia!

ぜんぶ(k)うそ です。てっへ♪

I just got back from my search for 77 star Pte Ltd, a company whose website claims they provide animation and manga classes certified by Yoyogi Animation Group . I went to 9 Shenton Way and there was nothing. Literally. No people, no furniture, no sign. NOTHING. No wonder the phone number no longer works. Anyway, I’m going to take up a Japanese language class instead, to console myself and further my otaku aspirations. Phew, the sensei told me I could take the pre-advanced class after giving me a little oral test. I have to thank chihaya san, nico nico douga and anime for that.

Anyway, if they’re gonna turn this art desert  of an island into a J-pop otaku paradise, make the ministers here take up Aso’s hobbies: reading manga. Like hell. I think I’ll just stay in the world of niconico douga where the real Japanese culture experience is.

I present to you our fuhrer from nico nico land … Sieg Heil!(`Д')ノ

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Filed under Pissed, The Funny and the weird


ダメか?だ・め・か?????? うぇ~~ん

I was looking forward to applying for the Japan Exchange and Teaching(JET) Program when I read the eligibility list:

1. You must be a Singaporean, not just Permanent resident. (F**k!!!)

2. You must apply to the Japanese embassy in your country of origin. (F**k!!!The embassy’s in Kuala Lumpur?!) 

3. Not all participating countries in the list are recruiting for the JET Program this year. (F*****k!)

I’m a Malaysian with Singaporean permanent residency and I checked the Japanese Embassy of Malaysia website. Nothing on JET.

ちっくしょ! あたまキタYO!



Filed under Pissed

Status: Bloodless…(また貧血?)

Oh shit…

I feel sick. It’s been 2 days since my period ended and I feel pretty ugly.

I don’t even feel the urge to oekaki.

Probably it’s anaemia or some hormonal disorder or the harmful side-effects of JustDieAlredi. (-_-)|||

*Highlights of the week: Miss 1-wRong fed Miss XY and me the most heavenly kuehs during lunch. It ended in an orgasmic high note with the luscious durian crepe! It was so good, we were making so much noise that the aunties sitting beside us asked where they can get that durian crepe! Thank you 1-wRong for bringing us to Paradise…


Filed under Personally exposed, Pissed, Uncategorized

Status: On Job Training(財務報告基準を読むのいやだ!)

… …  OTL

I swam through FRS1, FRS12 and FRS 170 (There’s 3 more to go…) where I nearly drowned in accounting jargon. The words are in English but why is it that I still cannot understand what is being written? Is it really English?!
To add to my misery, there’s over 90 slides of text (font size 18), no pictures, no animation and only 4 colours- blue, white, red and yellow. Even my professor is human enough to put some flying text boxes and cliparts into her slides! I pity the people who have to listen to this presentation. Somebody help them.


Filed under ネタ・漫画, Pissed, Revelations on work

Devil May Cry: Missions 4-5

Trish appears in the 4th episode for the 1st time. Well, for mission 4… it’s Devil Will Cry.

The animation really sucks in this episode. The fight scenes between Trish and Lady were so terrible that my eyes are already shedding blood. Oh my god, I can’t believe the producer had the cheek to put it on WOWOW…Trish is a real cool and sexy character in the game so naturally I have my expectations on this character in the animation. Unfortunately, the anime is really shitty in my opinion. Trish じゃねよ!!!(`Д´)


In summary, episode 4 is a catfight between Lady and Trish, not over Dante, just over fashion. Lady grenaded Trish’s sexy black corset and Trish gave Lady a new hairdo with her gun. I shall not describe further because the fight scenes are too “cabbage janai” to bear. Legs are trying very very hard to look like legs, Trish and Lady are trying very very hard to look female. Worse, I don’t know why in this episode, both female leads HAVE to change into really ugly clothes. Trish wore a white top that probably does not require the animators to draw her trademark breasts. And Lady, she really wants to be called the Bag Lady for wearing the most hideous grandmother fashion. The animation is S-H-I-T-T-Y, so kusottare that I wanted to ffwd the video.

Thank god there’s a decent improvement in mission 5 because my tolerance level was running low. This episode’s about a guy(forgot his name) who kept stalking Dante just to check him out. He followed Dante to the ladies, he went to a port to watch Dante take down the mafia(don’t know how he got there in the 1st place), he got chased around by Patty for loitering, he even broke into Dante’s home office. It’s a stupid, tasteless plot about a guy with no balls playing paparazzi without a camera. The 2 redeeming features would probably be Dante’s insatiable hunger to whup demon ass (sexy!) and the ending scene where the guy joins Dante in having a nice strawberry sundae.Cute.

Just hearing Morikawa Toshiyuki say “たりねぇ” is enough.(#´Д`#)ハァハァ

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Filed under DMC, Pissed

ラクガキ:Saya’s Chevaliers


リク:   ありがとう、師匠!

(≧w≦) ~♪

 And now, my thoughts for today…

Oh woe, I’ve yet to stock up my wardrobe with office wear (yucks). Despite the resolve to get myself a pair of court shoes, 2 sets of pant suits and 2 blouses, all I bought was a skirt from Robinsons this afternoon. In addition, I’m having PMS now with all the anxiety,fainting spells ,tiredness et al. I am not in the mood to crawl out of my room. Can’t even breathe properly…gasp gasp…

Why?Why can’t we wear singlets, slippers and shorts to work in Singapore? It’s bloody hot all year round. There won’t be a need for airconditioning in the offices if everyone put on less clothes. Though Singapore is small, it’s energy consumption is one of the highest in the world and it is one of the most (probably the only) airconditioned island to boot.

Less clothes=less airconditioning=reduced energy consumption=…=Reduced global warming


Filed under Blood+, Pissed, Spending Spree

Pirates of the Caribbean…MANGA

Today’s the most tiring day. (I’ll get to the manga later on, let me whine first.)

I did the LOOOOOOONGEST overtime in my working history(which is about 8 months) and it is so very tiring. |||orz

And the best way to recover from job-related exhaustion is some wholesome retail therapy. Thus, I headed to Takashimaya in Orchard road for a rejuvenating wallet-burning on food and books.

As usual, I strolled around Kinokuniya bookstore, hunting for BL comics award-winning literature and artbooks. I came upon the display section where sometimes, one can find a bestseller or a doujinshi on a lucky day.

Hmm…what do we have here… Sazae san?! What a classic… Ouran High School Host Club. So gay… 新暗行御史!!Oh volume 16 is out!It’s out! Finally!!! …And hey, what’s this?







Oh my god… Pirates… It’s Pirates…of…the…Caribbean…MANGA!?!?!

Jack Sparrow…and Will Turner…? That guy on the left is presumably Will although he looks Asian. Thanks to this discovery, I did not succumb to Kinokuniya’s members’ sale and saved a hell lot of money today. I mean, really, that manga really looked pirated to me -sorry for the pun- Like come on, has Disney run out of money or something? Or perhaps it’s overwhelmed by the spirit of piracy that the book has to look as authentically pirated as possible. This poor rendition of Jack Sparrow doesn’t do the suave and droolsome Johnny Depp any justice. ("゜Д゜) 私たちのジョニーが…!!!

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Filed under Pissed, The Funny and the weird

A Gruesome Matricide:A Manga’s Fault?

A 17 year-old boy appeared at the police station carrying his mother’s severed head in a plastic bag in Aizuwakamatsu in Fukushima prefecture. The police found his mother’s dismembered body and arrested him on suspicion of murder which the boy admitted. He killed his mother while she was asleep and proceeded to behead the body. The reason why he did that, he claimed it was because he wanted to know what it was like to kill someone and he wanted to do that in the name of peace.(?!)  

I heard the news on the morning radio in the car and thought that this kid is really screwed. When I read the news article from Yomiuri News online just now, I find him totally absurd.He is one very very very screwed kid.

The reason why I decided to read up more on this horrific case was because the Chinese (anime-manga paradise) site had an article on it. The article claimed that the kid read certain violent comics that feature dismemberment and lots of bloodshed which could have caused him to have such murderous inclinations. Of course I was dying to know what those comics were so I can read them myself. And I scrolled on… …

I nearly fell off my chair in disappointment but I wasn’t surprised that one of the manga is 多重人格探偵サイコ(MPD PSYCHO) written by Ohtsuka Eiji and drawn by Tajima Shou. Even wikipedia Japan wrote about this comic being found in the kid’s home.

I’ve read the manga 4 years ago and it was a really morbid piece of work. The story is pretty complex(as mind-boggling as Deathnote), has a lot of twists, some sci-fi conspiracy and the hero detective struggling to uncover his dark past, the personalities residing in him and to stop the terrorist conspiracy of course. Great, clean artwork and an exciting story. This is why I am so disappointed that the manga is implicated by the murder.

Sigh, I hope the manga doesn’t get banned. I’ve seen worse manga than this such as the notoriously nauseating 殺し屋一(Ichi the Killer). Holy god, that’s the most horrible, grossly bloody, disgusting manga I’ve ever set my eyes upon. There’s rape, a penis got fried in boiling oil, dismemberment and other *barf* inhuman stuff in the manga. I really don’t want to know what goes on in the mangaka’s head. This manga was even banned in some parts of Japan due to its graphic contents.

 I’m not blaming the kid for reading MPD Psycho. He did something which he may regret for the rest of his life even though he may seem totally nonchalant about it now. The self-punishing guilt is probably enough to make him suffer and he may never forgive himself for his actions. I just hope the manga doesn’t get the blame(banned actually). The very things he owns doesn’t turn another person into a murderer. I’m sure the students from the high school he goes to are not mentally deranged. Nor the TV programmes he watches everyday.

It is a deep psychological problem which has been troubling his mind and being a loner really doesn’t help. Ennui and loneliness blurred the line between reality and imagination. The mangas he reads are probably his only friend and reality. He really is screwed. I was pretty taken aback when the police quoted what the kid said:

“I want terrorism & war to disappear from the world. It didn’t matter whom I chose to kill.”

Whose world is he talking about? It is very sad that the terrorism and war in his own world had only gotten worse.

And all he needed was a friend. A reality check.  


Filed under Pissed


I’m sick.

I caught the flu bug from the office last week and I’ve been blowing my swollen nose ever since.

Here’s how it spread:

Willy, an old-timer(he’s in his early thirties but he is the longest surviving staff in Ganasaikang & Co.) is notorious for not seeing the doctor whenever he has a cold. Even when he coughed so severly that we began to suspect he’s suffering from tuberculosis. He keeps pushing the bar, trying to beat the virus before the doctor has the chance to get at it. Willy just let the flu bug fester in his body.

Now Willy sits right at the front of the office with an intern. The very first row facing the door. The interns take the second row while 2 permanent staff occupy the third row. I sit at the fourth row with my manager. The last two rows behind me are taken up by interns and temporary staff.

1st day: Willy coughs with gusto as usual.

2nd day: The intern next to him and the interns sitting in the 2nd row applied for medical leave. The first and second rows are vacant except for the germ factory, Willy.

3rd day: The permanent staff started to cough and sneeze. Mr “TheMafia” suffers from a runny nose while Mdm YaHoo complains of headaches.

4th day: My manager’s sinusitis worsens. The bin is piled with used tissue paper.

5th day: I started to sneeze frequently. My nose became runny. The bin is overflowing with used tissue paper.

I’ve caught the flu bug :blocked nose, cough, green phlegm and all.  

I get so exhausted easily that I don’t even have the mood to oekaki!!!(-_-)

Can’t grip the pen mouse very well and for a long period of time because my arms ache easily and feel like jelly.

Really, one does not need sophisticated weapons like bombs or anthrax to terrorise and disrupt the economy and lives. A simple mobile germ factory is enough to cause productivity to plummet and to put the whole society on hold.

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Filed under Pissed, Revelations on work

PMS:Pain Maximum Syndrome

I nearly fainted in my client’s warehouse toilet this morning after discovering that my ‘auntie’ had come all the way to Tuas to visit me.

No, not from the shock of finding an angry red patch staring back at me.

My head was spinning and my hands turned cold and started to shake. I had to sit on the toilet with my head on my knees to keep it from lolling about. Sucks. Really sucks.

I really hate the monthly blood-letting. Even now, my abdomen’s simmering in pain and my back…ah,my poor back. Oh, and I’m perpetually always hungry too. 

Blood minus. 

Back to the toilet story.

It’s my last day at Fin-Ass Co. and god help me, I wouldn’t want to return another day to the stinky room that the client specially prepares for auditors to die in. Nor do I want to eat another mouthful of their artery-clogging lunchbox. Frankly, I think they’re trying to kill me.

With the giant resolve to leave this place alive, I searched my baba-bag for the plastic packet of samples. Luckily, I was too lazy back then to remove the sample sanitary pad that I had gotten at the bangla-city bus interchange from my bag. Otherwise I’d have to stuff my pants with a tissue roll.

Back then, when I received the sample from the promoter, I noticed one of her colleagues was blur enough to push a packet into a young man’s hand. The guy looked pretty happy when he took the sanitary pad sample. He wasn’t so happy after one of his female friends pointed at him and laughed. He didn’t have a clue why everyone was laughing until she told him there’s no way in hell he’ll ever get to use it. Then it dawned on him. Soft cottony absorbent… of course, it’s either a packet of tissues or something he’d never dream of wiping his sweat with.

Oh boy. (00,)


Filed under Blood+, Pissed, Revelations on work, The Funny and the weird

Not that feeling again…F**king Pissed

Say thy prayers…
SHIT!I’m feeling all that angst which I thought should have dissolved with age.
It began when my dad talked about banking jobs in the morning.
I’ve been seething and swimming in a huge range of emotions for the whole day and…
*peers at clock” it’s 1 hour before midnight and I’m still feeling the inflammatory desire to bash something.

On the train my heart was pounding and I thought: Maybe I should just get a heart attack and die right here. No point in living as myself. My worth is merely on how much I can earn.

I’m not going to be a f**king banker! Can he stop his damn fantasy?!! I’m not my brilliant doctor cousin or his brother. I don’t have the drive nor passion to scale the corporate ladder or get a $9000/mth job.

If I’m pissed enough I could just pack my bags, get a plane ticket to Japan, Europe wherever and leave without notice.
I was that pissed off and emotionally wacked.

This reminds me of Louisa from Charles Dickens’ ‘Hard Times’.
She began to dissolve inside as she gave in to her fact-worshipping academic father.
Rich in brains and lived up to his expectations, but poor in the heart.
She gave herself to Mr Bounderby, a middle-class rich old man who dumps her in the end.

Of course I may entertain such destructive thoughts when I get ultra pissed but that is to vent my angst with imagination. (What would be more effective is a punching bag for me to kick and pound into rags.)
There are ‘Louisa’s out there who do screw up their lives.
Recently I met up with my ol’ JC tutor who’s planning a sex ed talk.(Bwahahahaha!!!)
He revealed that there’s a girl in the Gifted programme, all smart and seemingly streetwise…
yet she let herself get laid by a jerk until she got pregnant. Just because she needed love and for affirming her self-worth.
The jerk got on with his life happily while the girl was left an emotional wreck who had problems even in making a passing grade.

*kicks table*


Filed under Pissed

-End of GoNSaikang-

Anyone remember McVities Digestive Biscuits? This British brand is now owned by the Japanese. Check out the products. Yum.

I managed to clear everything sans trivial responsibilities like typing checks and begging the dumb clients to come and sign the financial statements.
All completed financial reports are duplicated and inserted into large envelopes, ready whenever the dumb clients decide to come.

It feels weird that all the craziness 10 weeks ago has come to an end. Now, the only thing to make my acne pop once more is the internship report. As usual, I don’t know how to begin writing it without turning it into a bestselling autobiography chronicling the horrors of dusty paper piles, humiliating scoldings and naggy typists.

Well, I’ll miss the mouthwatering and reasonably-priced food most. The succulent pork picatar and cheesy mashed potato, smooth noodles and fishballs with juicy mincemeat center, tangy Thai tofu with rice smothered in curry… The droolsome list could go on and on.
One of the things I picked up from this internship would definitely be expanding my epicurean tastes and waistline.

Also, I’m quite thankful the ultimate boss, Goh Ngiap Suan is a very patient and easily negotiable person.Mr Goh is a typically softspoken gentle old man who sometimes stutters nervously (which my colleague and I find endearing, haha).
And when he offered a handshake, I didn’t grip it with the usual pressure cos I’m afraid I might break his wrist and he won’t be able to sign his ten thousand dollar name on the financial statements. Eeks.
He seems to welcome the idea of me working part-time…hmmm I’ll consider the $6.50/hr offer.
And I got my paycheck but it doesn’t mean I’ll be getting a PSP soon. Gotta pay SMU first. Damn.

* I can’t believe I took the time to browse SMU’s annual report! (The sky’s going to fall!) All the big 4 donated more than $100,000-$500,000. Wonder where the money went to…

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Filed under Personally exposed, Pissed, Revelations on work

Life at GoNSaikang: Final Week Shock

My dad had a heart attack in Kuala Lumpur last night.
He’s currently hospitalised but will be discharged tomorrow.
I only knew about it after my maid told me the reason why he hasn’t returned yet.

My blood froze when she said the reason may upset me. But after knowing that my dad was laughing when he made the call, well, I’m quite relieved.

This close brush with death really made me realise what I desire to do in life before I die. I guess all who know me could sorta put her finger down and say: ah…Art la.
Yea. I’ll be a bloody pissed ghost seething with regret if I’ve died without ever stepping into an arts school in a foreign land and coming out of it as an artfart.
So if my life happens go out like a candleflame , I’d hope whatever things I’ve drawn will be exhibited. (hmm… that’ll be tough cos some of them are rated X)

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Filed under Blood+, Pissed, Revelations on work