Monthly Archives: November 2006

死ぬ.To Die.Morire

I bid my A’s farewell especially to Italiano. I place thee in thy C-offin.
IT & Law, Econs development of Asia and Intro to Phy. Science are awaiting to find a space between the folds of my thinning brain.
When one’s not in the mood to study, no force can shake that resolve to slack.

Especially after Esther san imported BLOOD manga from her vacation to Tokyo for me! Kita-!

For the price of one ROBOT:supercolor comic in Kinokuniya Singapore, I could get one ROBOT comic and 2 BLOOD manga from Kinokuniya Shinjuku! (^w^)
I was hit by an oebbs withdrawal last night and I could not resist the urge to pick up my pen mouse. ダメけどoebbsしなキャー!!!がまんできねーよ!

Naughty habits are hard to kill…

These few months have been really hard on Miss 1wRong. To put it in a casual manner, it had been a roller-coaster ride for her family.

A lot of strength had to be summoned for the adult in the kid to face the winds of uncertainty and the certainty of death. And from beginning to the end, she has done well, shouldering the burden of her mother’s suffering and her pain without a tear.

Her father left for a better place with a smile on his lips and returned to touch his daughter’s head on the first night she kept vigil at the wake. Such is the intrinsic bond between a parent and child.

Miss 1wRong is strong. She’s a superman short of wearing underwear on the outside.

All this while I’ve been standing on the sidelines, learning that death is not to be feared.

But it can be scary still. Scared for the future of one’s family. Scared for their loneliness.

Scared of nothing and everything.

And my dad has one thing to say to my maid about my lesson: “She wants me to die early is it? So she can prepare for it, huh.”

Eh, better safe than sorry.

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3 more weeks to Exams

‘Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends’ Rated X.
Click on the picture for a larger resolution.
It made me cry when I saw what James (oh oh) was doing to Thomas (ah ah) and Gordon (huff huff)decided to join in.
And this is only page 120. God knows how much more action there is in this book.
The Japanese never fail to amaze me…

Really beat these days. There’s CAT shit due next Monday and the Excel inventory system is still quite unfinished. Maladorous macros, mamamia.

And I haven’t quite gotten into the role as a host in an Italian ‘Il Bachelor’ show even though I’ve been exclaiming ‘mama mia’ pretty often. My grammar is still as screwed as I kept getting the sexuality of the nouns and verbs wrong. Well, the romantic comedy ‘ L’ultimo Baccio’ [the last kiss]was really good. I never thought I’d get to watch a rated R show in school again. ( My 1st gay movie was shown during GP class in TJC) The women were gorgeous while one particular guy with long dreadlocks was bloody hot! This bloke has sex with a different woman throughout the movie. First a brunette, then a blonde, then a crewcut brunette…on separate occasions. The hilarious part was when he was thrusting away(so that’s how sex intercourse looks like!) the doorbell rang and he had to stop reluctantly to answer the door. 1st it was his buddy who had just fallen out with his wife. Then the doorbell rang again and it was another buddy who was jilted by his girlfriend. Mr Dreadlock’s place became an asylum for his lovelorn friends which is ironical for someone as promiscuous as him.

Snores… Tired… Too sleepy to make a proper entry so enjoy the pics for now.

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