Daily Archives: July 1, 2009

Status:Job Level Up(昇進しちゃった)

Level up FFD style














My fellow HellDamnBig dungpicker, Miss Denim, smsed me today congratulating me on my promotion.

I’m promoted?


Not after I was told my incompetency on how to pick dung would be known to every manager in the group and that I am not ready to progress to senior level. Wow.

I don’t know how I should feel. Elation? Nope, not with the garbage which seniors have to face for the measly $300 increase in paycheck. It’s like fighting Level 100 Chaos only to get a measly chocobo tail and leveling up by one. Maybe, I feel a little relieved cos I wouldn’t like to think about looking for another job after throwing the resignation letter out of spite and a tanker of piss for not being promoted together with my peers.

The weirdest thing is, in previous meeting sessions, the boss told us that each dungpicker will be evaluated by the managers. I’ve never even met my managers once for an evaluation interview. Guess they really don’t give a dung anymore.


Filed under Revelations on work