Daily Archives: July 1, 2008

Counting down to 19 July 2008 (日本旅行に行こう~!)

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Filed under Travelling:Outstation

Status: TOIL week -I’ll never K(araoke) again!

Here’s how I spent my time off in lieu.

25 Jun: Went to the gym at Parkway Parade and ran 2.4km after over 2 years of physical inactivity. Ooh, I finally could feel where my gluteus maximus are. And then to Anil’s yoga class where he tortures us with dolphin plank and an incomplete headstand.

26 Jun: Went to visit little town where miss 1wRong brought my brother to for some acupuncture therapy. Then we went for a haircut at an auntie’s place to litter her floor with our lovely hair follicles. The best part was at night where we gave 1wRong’s mom some yogic therapy to awaken those unused muscles.

27 Jun: Woke up and found myself in miss 1wRong’s bed. We journeyed to the ends of Suntec City to find the hidden Planet Fitness gym for Meena’s yoga class. After the nice workout (actually I prefer Anil’s torture… Have I turned masochist?), and a nice lunch at cedele, we walked past K-Box and decided to K. It was fun to sing Jap songs and I got to hear 1wRong sing Hokkien songs! The best was they had ‘Cutie Honey’ in the list! Wakaru wa yo! The worst part was the bill. I can’t believe they sell a handful of cheap cocktail nuts for $6! I want to Kick and Box them. Never shall I K again!

Weekend: Miss Papaya cousin brought me across the causeway to Johor and we got our PSP firmware upgraded. Now I can play Patapon! Pata pata pata Pon! Chilled (literally cos the air con was freezing my thumbs to paralysis) at my cousins’ place and watched my Gp 1 Senior cousin play PS2. Miss Papaya cousin brought us across the causeway bridge on foot. Now I know how a refugee feels like especially when all 3 of us are carrying bags. Gp 1 Senior cousin was lugging a fruit blender machine.

30 Jun: Went to office to kapok stationery and grab more gym coupons before heading to the arcade to change some more Yen for the trip. (counting down,19 more days to go!!!) Broke my spectacles by kneeing it against the bed frame when I tried to catch it with my thigh.

1 Jul (Level up from A10 to A11): My nose went runny and I headed to Raffles Medical at Orchard. The nurse told me I had to pay because she couldn’t retrieve the medical allowance balance. Sucks. Went to an optical shop to get a new pair of glasses made for *gasp* $184!!! The lens themselves cost $100. Looks like I should get Lasik when I’ve got enough dough.

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Filed under Personally exposed, Revelations on work